Transcribe Agassiz, Alexander. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-27)

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ybg Museum of Comparative Zoology, MPT </em CAMBRIDGR, MASS. > Apr 27 83 My dear Sir

    The included does sound well. My

difficulty herein is one which I dimly perceived on receiving a letter for W which I sent you to Milwaukee, & which it was evident that he wants to study Philology & Archeology & and all we shall get from him is the prudence & the spots where the bones are. Now he may or may not know enough to get all of a skeleton when he sees a part and if we get a couple of Mammoth ? But if we do not and the expedition is merely an Anthrological fieeld day I am left high and dry. Now to help me to decide could you dispose of such collections? For I cannot with all I am doing ? everybody's team. I should not give to anybody anything unless they chip but I doubt if they will but I will try,I'm going back to Cambridge for good tomorrow. As I have or may have to go to VM. in early Oct. If you