Transcribe Chichester, C. D. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-14)

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nwh Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 14th 188 3 Dear Prof:

       We sent you yesterday by

Am. Express - 4 boxes 1 package and 1 long crate or half box. The box of skeletons from Hamburg, which I spoke to you about in yesterday's letter - contained the following, - 6 complete ? skeletons. 1 ? Skeleton complete excepting first bone of thumb on left hand - 1 ? skeleton complete but right hand does not belong to him. 1 ? complete excepting sacral bone. Mr. Bailly says they are all good but not 1st Class, there are also 2 extra Sternum. I enclose letter from Col. Fred Grant which contained check as stated. I also enclose bill of specimens which he took. there was nothing charged for boxing in first bill. Muguet wishes to know if you want Musk Ox cleaned this year? The following came by Express yesterday afternoon - 6 Whale vertabrae and one seal skull.

Muguet says there are two vertabrae wanting for end

of tail - They came from A J Allen Provincetown Mass. Three boxes came by freight today - one contained 3 Camel skins - the other two have not been opened