Transcribe Washburn, George F. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1852-02-09)
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It is now my calculation to return to Williams in precisely two weeks from today (Wednesday); still I may delay one day or so. I pursue my studies during [?] the mean while as best I can. I shall probably finish the 18 book of Homer this week. But there are many things in which I am deficient, especially [scanning?]. I may read through the 21 of Livy also this week. Geometry I have made no great advances in; about 35 propositions [Thurs?] Algebra I have scarcely touched. So you see where I am, plodding along perhaps after you. In school I get along as well as could be expected of a raw hand. The [young?] ideas are generally willing to shoot, and I am willing to make them. And on the whole school teaching is a pretty good business for a little while although following it ^as a business^ would would be certain death Your letter informed me of the suspicious character of that note I sent you. I must confess you must have been in a pickle. But I have since written and set all things right. Neither did I receive that call expected one day before the term commenced. [Quid?] I shall expect a letter this week if one is not all ready in the P.O. Yours in haste, Geo. Washburn
To H. A. Ward Williams College