Transcribe Satterlee, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1850-01-21)
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Brown University January 21st 1850
Dear Friend Ward
My eye has rested with deep interest upon every
occurrence connected with the Academy in Wyoming.
I have narrowly inspected every communication from friends
expecting for some time past, that the Holy Spirit would
make another call to the unconverted, & that some at least
would enlist in the holy Warfare. I do devoutly bless God
& that prayers arise for the conversion of Sinners.
Few indeed of the Academy are known to me, but as I have pondered
over the subject & tried to pray over it also, my mind has rested
with great interest upon yourself as a former member of my
class, and also as one, I fear, who has no hope of Heaven, - no
smiles of a Savior, - no principle of holy life.
That you my improve the opportunity in turning from the ways of sin has
been, & still is my prayer, - & so heavily does this thought lay upon
my mind that. have resolved to address you a line. My dear Friend,
Now is the time to Repent before God, & cast your sinful self upon his mercy
This may be the Last Call, Oh do not Grieve the Holy Spirit.
You are young to be sure, but you have already sinned against Knowledge,
-- you have known your duty & have not done it. You have sinned against Goodness,
-- think of temporal & spiritual gifts. You have sinned against Conscience,
-- how often has it condemned you? You have sinned against the Holy Spirit,
-- it has strived with you before this. You have sinned in spite of a Mother's Prayers.
-- & what is the most alarming you have sinned to your Own Heart.
Oh the monster Sin. It fastens its fangs upon the affection , & drags
men down to perdition. Shake off the viper, ere he ruins thy soul
Repent & become a true christian, & Christians will rejoice, Angels
will rejoice, You Father, whom you have dishonored will be pleased,
your own life will be blessed, the world will be blessed, your
death will be peaceful, & your eternity will be happy.
I wish I could enjoy your meetings & converse with you face to face
Forgive me that I have never been more faithful in warning you of
your danger, & rest assured that for you especially my prayers shall daily
rise. Be in earnest! Be decided. Look for your duty, from the Bible
& by prayer! Parly not with the Devil! give up your pleasures arising from