Transcribe Ward, Henry Augustus. Letter to Selden, Susan Ward (1855-08-26)

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about a fortnight since which Mother will show you should you wish to see it. I fear that you will think that this way of writing you by proxy is rather uncordial, but I trust, dear Aunt, that you will excuse me when you remember how much I have to do, and that I cannot write </u all > to each one of my friends as I would wish to. From Jerusalem we crossed in one day to </u Joffa > (the one in Ajopfa) over the hills of Judea, past the ancient Arimathea, and over the </u fertile plain > of "Sharon". From Jaffa we took a steamer to </u Bezrout, passing in full view of </u Mt. Carmel, Tyre, & Sidon. > We had but two hours on shore at Beyrout during which I hastened up to Mr. Eli Smith's, but found that he & little "Charlie" had just left for their summer residence in the country. We continued north along the shore of Syria stopping at many little towns, at all of which I managed to go ashore and see what I could. I feel very sorry to have left Syria half seen but I can not help it Our view of the snow capped Lebanon was splendid as also of the Mts. of </u Asia Minor > where we turned west from the bay of </u Iskinderorm > and followed its shore. We stopped at the isle of </u Rhodes > on Sunday so that I was obliged to lose it, as I had formerly lost Malta and as I afterwards lost </u Syria > (just south of </u Athens>) It is rather singular that my only 3 islands in the Mediterranean should have come upon that day of the week.