Transcribe Ward, Henry Augustus. Letter to Selden, Susan Ward (1854-07-07)

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Cambridge July 7th 1854 My dear Aunt.

          I was very much pleased

with yours of June 20th and regret that have not time to answer it as fully as I would wish. My term closed today, but I can hardly realize it. It seems, to be sure, some days since I left Rochester, but, as one day has been so the exact counterpart of another, the time has passed without anything to mark its flight. Prof. A. goes to Nahant tomorrow to to spend about three months in the study of Marine animals. He wished ^me^ to go with him, and for a time I was in much doubt whether I had not better give up my pro- posed mineral tour and go with him. But hiss subsequent conclusion to spend all of Sept. there, decided me to not join him until some time in August. I have indeed, unt, just the situation here which accords with my taste