Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1874-01-14)

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The skull is in a pretty bad fix, being in six pieces, and part of it gone at that. The general form of the skull is preserved, the occipital bones, frontal, and vomer being in their places. The under- jaw is very well preserved. I intend to visit the place again where these were found, and perhaps I will find some more.

    Went out in the clearing the other

day, and got ten scorpions, which I put in alcohol. They are from 2 to 4 inches long, black, long jointed tail and sting venomously.

  Got a splendid big leather-backed

or soft-shelled turtle of an Indian. Is the largest I ever saw. Have put it entire in Alcohol, good for either skin or skeleton. In case I get crowded for room I will skeletonize it. She is an old female. Will get more as I am able, Have seen no alligators yet, but will before I write you again for I am going after them in a day or two.