Transcribe Agassiz, Alexander. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1873-12-12)
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nwh Museum of Comparative Zoology, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Dec 12/83 Prfr H. A. Ward Rochester N. Y. My dear Sir
You may have heard of father's dangerous
illness, which is of such a nature that I fear much he will never be able again to attend to the Museum affairs. My object in writing is to ascertain from you exactly what the position of father's was in regard to you I find no copies of his letters just now. Will you be kind enough to let me know what you have undertaken to do. How much will it likely cost - and in what length of time is the work to be distributed. What remains to be paid you for work already done. We shall in all probability be compelled to curtail and ? ? and as soon as ? a state- ment for all parties will advise you about what we can do. In meantime please enter into no extensive expenditures ? of without hearing from me Mr. Cary will send you a check in a day or two Yours try A ? Agassiz