Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1873-10-18)

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it may not be with very good grace. If it should happen that you need or want any help without capital in your probable expedition, please remember me as the lowest bidder. If I am not in Rochester by Saturday night, Nov. 15th it will be because the trains have not made good time, and you may know that I am somewhere within a days travel of your city. If you come Westward before that time, I shall be most happy to have you call. I am also certain that Pres. Welch would be glad to have you visit us. I should be able to show you some specimens that I have prepared.

 We have Cranes here in the Spring and also Oct & Nov. The Sandhill Crane is shot quite frequently, and the Whooping Crane once in a good while. I am expecting