Transcribe Maynard, C. J. (Charles Johnson). Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-02-21)

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each. Now when you come to consider breakage expressing etc it will bring up the cost of a Laughing Gulls egg to about 10 cts. The same [remarks?] apply to the eggs of other </s eggs > ^birds^ from the Gull of St. Lawrence & elsewhere.

    I only tell you this to show

you that 1 cannot afford to take less than 1/3 off my catalogue lists. This is </u positively > the last I would do even if you were to offer to purchase my entire 20,000 eggs. Remember too that I am going to take up the amount in trade of you & offer you eggs at </u cash > prices.

  By the way I see that you

advertise in your catalogue for July 1882 Skin of Great Gray Owl