Transcribe Allen, J. A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-07-05)

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nwh July 5, 1883 Dear Prof. Ward -

       Yours of July 2 3d July re'cd.

I did not write about the Orca because I under- stood from your first letter on the subject that you had also written Mr. Agassiz about it, & I now learn from Miss Clark that he sent you a letter on Tuesday (July 3).

       As to other matters, I am sure that the three

Hovo skeletons are all from you & that one came much earlier (2 or 3 years perhaps) than your first date (Sept. 13, 1880). Will look up the matter and report later.

       Our Bats are still at Philadelphia in Dr. H.

Allen's hands. We have ample material for skeletons & will have it sent you as soon as practicable. Am glad you referred to the matter.

       We have room for the ? Gorilla - & I am

pleased to hear you have it.

       As to Walrus, the passageways are same 

in size as those through which the elephant passed.