Transcribe Crawford, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-08-19)

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Damascus Aug 19th 1876

Dear Sir,

In answer to your inquiries in your letter of July 10th, I am sorry to say that the direct road across the desert from Damascus to Bagdad is generally unsafe, and especially so this year. An English post is regularly sent across the desert with an Arab on a camel, but although no valuables are sent by it, it is sometimes robbed. A few travellers have at different times crossed along with this post, but one at least was robbed on the way. It might be possible to make an arrangement with some of the Arab tribes to take you across in safety by the payment of a considerable sum to the Shickh of the tribes, but making the arrangement might involve some delay. I believe a more northern route, via Aleppo & down the Euphrates to Bagdad would be safer but I am unable to give you any particulars in regard to it.

Yours very truly

John Crawford

Mr. H. A. Ward

Crawford J. Aug 76