Transcribe Haast, Sir John Francis Julius Von. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-08-24)

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will be in vain, because people when they buy skins of that kind want full in jar specimens. Perhaps I may keep it if convenient to you but in that can tell me what you think the Moabones & Skins skeletons are worth to you. I am unpacking now a screen of skins & skeletons of [Miterger] & [ thegops] & shall send you some of them after arrival. It is among a battery because people have to go to very inacceptable places at the West coasr & twice my collector but what he had by crossing swollen mountain torrents, escaping with his ^bare^ life with great exertions. Prof Hitchcock had the 3 Skeletons for </u his own Museum as [ thought > It will take some years before