Transcribe Jenks, Elisha T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1884-11-04)

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Middleboro, Mass.,  Nov. 4 188 4

Dear Professor,

       I was pleased to hear of your

safe arrival on our shores but regret that when as near as Boston you did not come to see me or let me know I would have met you in Boston. If you come again this way, either to New York or Boston let me know in season & I will try & meet you there are several things I wish both to ask & tell you about among others Tufts College. can I write a personal letter to you at Rochester? Regarding the brackets I have some 50 running feet of racks now about done divided 10 tops 10 bottoms 30 middles & can finish the brackets as desired very shortly. I enclose a list of some kinds I have on hand which have been accumulating