Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-09)

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G. P. Sanderson. Gov't Elephant Catcher in India (Mysore & Bengal Govts), and the best authority extant, says in "13 years Among the Wild Beasts of India", that the tallest Elephants in India is in the Madras Commissariat - Stud, is a male and measures 9'10" vertical at shoulder.

   The next largest are 2 males </s in > belonging

to the Maharajah of Mysore and are 9'8" high. Therefore it will be seen the </s verage ave > height of </u E. Indicus > ^male^ may be put at 9'6" & the females 1 foot less.

    Sir Sam'l Baker states in "Nile Trib-

utaries of Abyssinia " (written while hunting elephants there) that the African Elephant </s is > </u will average 7 ft. taller > than Indian, males & females respectively.

    </u If  > Jumbo is not over 9'6" which I think

</s be > is about his height, then there are certainly several </s & perhaps > elephants in India taller than he by some inches, & </u thousands > in Africa a foot taller or even more.