Transcribe Boyd, H. W. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-17)

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nwh Different hand writing Boyd March '76 Office of H.W. BOYD, M. D. 1391 Indiana Avenue CHICAGO March 17th 187 6 Prof H. A. Ward,

       My dear Sir,
                  Oweing to the

stormy weather. I did not yet ? until to day, = but I send you the box by American Express. "D. H." = It contains the Gorilla Skeleton. 3 Antelope skeletons, 2 Coyote Skeletons - 1 Coaita Monda, etc. After examination you can report what they are worth in trade, or how much you will give for them in cash. = I also have 3 chimpanzee Skeletons, and two other Gorilla Skeletons, which I would sell. = How much will you give for my Rhinoceros skeleton? it is a good one. I have to send some money to Africa pretty soon and I must make my bones raise it. = I expect another box from there in two or three weeks. it was sent me in January. Yours Truly H. W. Boyd (over)