Transcribe Lee, George Washington Custis. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-21)

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[page 5} Hand change Mar. 21, 1876 Hand change Bill of Fixtures 40 Pairs of 12" ? Racks 10.00 14 " " 18" " 7.28 14 " " 6" Brackets 2.80 14 " " 13 Do: 5.60

7     "     "   18"      Do       3.50
7     "     "   18"      Do      4. 20

Jenks Smithsonian Museum Locks 10 Locks with long bolts (for sash 3 feet long) and permanent handles - $50.00 Hand change I shall be much obliged to you if you will order the requisite "/ Racks & Brackets" and the "Jenks Locks". The makers can draw on Waaaltr Bowie, Treasurer, through the Bk. of Lexington, C. M. Fig- gat, Cash?, or they can send their bills here, and they will be settled without delay - GWC Lee