Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to the Ward, Henry A. (1878-12-22)

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                          (3 letters in one.)

</u Private P. S. > your two letters received yesterday tell me unequivocally to go to the Moluccas. What a state of mind I was in for a time until I found out you had sent a telegram. I was wrestling with the ideal, & will even yet tell you my conclusion. As I have before told you, I feel as- sured that a flying visit to Macassar & Amboyna such as I would have to make & then to return here. would be a fatal mis- take. Everett is fully of my mind also, only stronger. We voted it would result in a considerable loss, and I have become dead set against going. But your letter said "</u go. > And the outlook for funds was simply black as night. I decided that I must not do it, especially after my Malacca & Klary experience. I knew that if I went & according to your orders & against my judgement & </u failed >. it would be a bad day for us both. And if I went against your orders and declined to go, it would also be a bad day for me when you came to learn what I had done. I determined to spend in my in preparing a careful estimate of what I would spend time & money set off by the number of cassowary eggs I </u must get > to get back expenses. Then by estimating the num- ber might reasonably </u hope > to get in 2 months </u or less > it would give a pretty clear idea of the result. Such a trip could not cost a </u cent > less than $450. besides my time. And yet you actually said. "You must go to Cerum if for Cas- so wary </s eggs > alone "! I was astonished at such a proposition. and I think that on second thoughts you will think differently of it too. Well I simply determined to choose the lesser evil of the two & </u not > go.. Then came your telegram (it has been waiting for me at M. D. & Co.) saying "Hun- dred pounds sent. </u Await advices for Australia >: Hurrah! I felt a moment after, as though I had just come off the wheel. Now my way is more clear, for it seems you have decided to leave out Macassar & Amboyna, and that I am to go direct to Australia perhaps. I'm </u sure > that is best. Now as to funds. I owe M. D. & Co. </u about > $350. (They have received from you 50 pounds & 40 pounds. (or was it [30 last time? anyhow they have it.) You say Hundred pounds [sent. This I think means a hundred pounds without [counting either of the remittances sent M. D. & Co. heretofore [You would not, I think, telegraph on Dec 10th and include