Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to the Ward, Henry A. (1878-10-27)

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I think it would be the best thing to order the small birds for the Cambridge Order of Mr Everett. He will get them to you, with less trouble & expense to you. </u will not require pay in advance >, and will furnish them within a reasonable time. He </u talks very fairly, and I shouldn't wonder if he should prove to be just our man. The enclosed list of Manuals ^&e^ is "not a hard and fast one". as he says, but I send it now to save time. When we meet we will make out another & reduce the prices all we can. You must write to Mr Everett, for your return letter to me will find me far away from him. </u Do > for </u my > sake write to him </u at once > and tell him that you either do or do not want him to collect for you. He is not going to remain always in Borneo - not more than 2 years I believe.

     The health of the Expedition continues

good. Yours very sincerely, Wm. T. Hornaday P. S. I will regard it as a personal favor if you </s would > can write to me once a month - or else send me money to enable me to do as I please.