Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to the Ward, Henry A. (1878-09-28)

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</u Private P. S. > Strictly private.

    Professor it occurs to me that if we work

things right from now on, we can easily get up a big sensation over our big Orangs, and thereby "put money in thy purse" - and mine too mabe. My idea is this: Let folks know we are getting Orangs now. To this end I will sit right down to write you by next mail a careful & elaborate private letter about these two "giant Orangs" in particular, making it a trifle sensational perhaps, which will do for the "Democrat". I will mention the large number we are getting, in such a way that you can easily strike it out if you choose, as I daresay it will be best to keep the fact of our large number of Orangs as quiet as possible. Then when you receive the Borneo collection (of </u 50 Orangs) keep them snug & quiet until I return, when they can be brought out with a grand flourish of trumpets as though I had brought them with me , you know which will add to the effect. Then we can set right to work & mount. a very striking group (of two, or three, of the largest & longest haired fellows) getting it up very ar- tistically & exactly from ^my^ sketches and measurements & notes, exhibit it in New York, get it pictured in Harpers Weekly & generally talked about. I tell you we can get up a very striking