Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1878-08-21)

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The whole country is up in arms against the mias and if there is a single one living in this country when I go away it will be a wonder. You see when I put on my war-paint & take my little rifle & start out the mias begin to look sick. No white man or native has ever before been known to kill three mias in one day. & yet your illustrious "Western friend" has done it on two occasions with a live young one thrown in. My good luck astonishes even the natives for the oldest inhabitant cannot remember of any ^other^ white man raking in ten mias in four days as I have, nor anything like it. I told the folks when I came to Sarawak that I proposed to completely snow under ever other naturalist who had ever been here.

    You see I have made a little

expedition up to the head waters of a certain branch of the Simujan River and I happened to strike it exactly right for mias. I told you we might trust to my infalliable </u luck > !

    I have made up my mind to send

you a cable message about Orangs as soon as I get a few more big ones. Will have to write it to Sing-