Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1878-08-05)

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P. S. I enclose some Sarawak stamps for Mr Lee Ward's boy. 4th Hurrah ! Have got 2 more </u Mauis Javanica >, an old femwla, skeleton, and a young one which I put entire in spirits. Thus making Just such a specimen as Mr Whyte of Randy asked me 2 pounds for. I hope you won't order any Manis of Mr Whyte, for I think I can get you enough without. The chances are that I will get some more before I leave Borneo.

    Have just bought a strong light

& roomy hunting boat, for $5.00. It is very fast and can go where there is even a suspicion of water. Now I shall be quite independent & can save money with my own boat and my own boys & myself for a crew. I broke an empty beer bottle across the prow and christened the craft </u "Henry A. Ward " >

    It is of course too small to carry

all my traps, for if it were large enough it would be too big for hunting purposes. Now I must go and paint the name in black letters on the bows of our vessel. W. T. H.