Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1878-08-01)

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Private P. S. Have drawn the Bal. on my letter of credit, and on Mr Campbell advising me to take more money with me than I had left so as not to become embarrassed & harassed. I gladly accepted of him a loan of $200.00 to be paid out of the first funds arriving for me from you I am very glad of this, for it renders all my movements </u safe. > I will now land at Sarawak with </s al >$400. in my pocket. and I shall </u try > to get along without spending more than $200. I have such a complete stock of everything that I may succeed in spending 2 or 3 months there with an outlay of only $200. I shall </u strive > to do this, but of course will spend the borrowed $200. if it becomes necessary.