Transcribe Gilbert, Karl. Letter to Ward, Henry A, (1864-06-13)

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[page 3] point.

       In a previous letter I

wrote under the impression that Prof. Hopkins was Prextt. The President made me a very polite call Saturday. He has a very pleasing manner and I find he is popular with the boys. He does not hold so tight a rain rein as I understand from Orton. A lady lectured here last evening on Phre- nology. The boys were not only uproarious but obscene. Toward the close the Pres. came in, but his presence and voice did not stop the disturbance by any means.

       Please let me know about 

affairs at the shop.

Your Affectionate

G Karl Gilbert At the bottom of the page and upside down P S The length of the standard from bottom to top notch to shoulder is 5 ft. 10 in.: below the shoulder 81/2 in similar dimensions of the posterior standard are 5 ft 61/2 in. and 71/2 in K.