Transcribe Gilbert, Karl. Letter to Ward, Henry A, (1864-06-13)

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nwh [page 1] Williamstown June 13./64 Dear Professor

       Yours of Friday I rec,d today.

If I do not get a letter from you tomorrow, I shall pull up nails and move the pedestal tailward 20 inches. It will be too heavy in a day or two. Today nwe finished putting on the vertebrae, includ- ing the chevrons, skull, Jaw, Zygomas, & stylolyals. Prof. Chadbourne was in our shop to<.s> to-day for about half an hour. He proposed to call daily and "watch" us, not intending to use the word in any obnoxious sense." He seems to be a quiet man with his eyes wide open. The first time he came in he caught me making the 3rd lumbar. I changed my work and did not let on, but I suspect he point. However I fancy that if there is any thing about the beast not strictly genuine, he would prefer not to know