Transcribe Allen, J. A. Letter to Lucas, Frederic Augustus (1881-04-01)

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Cistrcola lineaeofilla kept because Lanianus icterus as good as Telephonus erythropterus many others

                                                               retained, &
                probably as good as we are
                likely to get.

Anonps plumatus Not found Calanianthus fuligiuosus after an

                                                               hour's search.

In regard to the opicimens retained, please make it right by adding them to the next bill. if, as I suppose is the case they have not been paid for.

  The box will be shipped </s tomorrow > today

as freight & I hope will reach you in safety.

                        Very truly yours
                                       J. A. Allen

[upside down in another hand - Apr 1/81 [ybg]