Transcribe Manigault, G. E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1875-12-05)

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nwh Dec 5th 1875 Dear Professor

       You will receive a postal card

by the same mail as this, that was sent to the office a short time before your last of Nov 30th came to hand. I am glad to hear that the Elk bones are ready and beg that you will express the box as far as the Charleston Steamer. Pier No 29 North river N. Y. Enclosed please find a post office order for $50 which is to pay for the Elk. As those bones are ready I will not think any more of the dromedary at present. The small amount of $11.61 to my credit on your books will be sufficient to bring the above sum to the quan- tity necessary to pay for the Elk in full - viz $60, with a balance for packing. I agree with you freely that I ought to have the Dugong. but I am a prudent man in many matters and only engage to take what I can pay for. Perhaps after