Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1875-12-07)

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Vassar College
Dec 7, 1875
Dear Ward
I have been on the point of
communicating with you several
times respecting my projected expe
dition to Bolivia; but have been
waiting for developments and for
time. I enclose statement which
will give you some idea of the [field?].
I want to leave about the first
of March. I am expecting aid from
the Secretary of the Navy in the line
of transportation, and instruments from Royal Geographical Soc. London.
but I want $3000 cash to
make it a thorough thing. I am
going where nobody else has gone
and hope to add an important
chapter to Geographical Science, and
indirectly to commerce and Natural
History. Doesn't your friend Brooks
or your intelligent Uncle burn