Transcribe Hooper, Franklin William. Letter to Ward, W. H. (1875-12-13)

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Cambridge, Mass. Dec. 13th '75
Dear Sir
Mr. Van Vleck of this place informed
me that you wanted to get Natural History
specimens from the waters of our coast. I am
going to spend the winter in Key West and
neighboring keys in the collection and study
of Algae. I have a considerable acquaintance
with the forms of animal life found there +
am prepared to collect Polyps, Echinoderms, Vermes,
Crustacea + Mollusks. I shall be glad to
collect for you at reasonable rates.
Yours truly,
F.W. Hooper (A.B. Harvard)
Student at the Museum Comp. Zool.
Mr. W. H. Ward
P.S. Letters addressed to Cambridge will always reach me.