Transcribe Manigault, G. E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-06)

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procuring them. So send a man after them, with the instructions that you sug- gest, would be useless. He would not be permitted to visit ant plantation with the idae of digging in the cultivated fields for these creatures. It is necessary for the owner of the land or his agent to see that they are secured when the soft mud in the bottom of the rice field ditches is being shov- elled out and I know of acres of such having been cleaned and not one sirin or amphuima found. I was written to by ?Sclater of the Zoological Society of London with the request that some living ones be sent him, and received a dozen from ? river which were forwarded about a month ago. They were not large though, and if I had sent a keg of alcohol there for you, I may have only been able to send you medium sized ones. It is evident that they are either not over abundant, or we have not yet found out exactly the localities to search for them. I think that the season is now over for this year, but will have as Written up left side of page many as possible collected for you every year until you notify me that you have received enough Truly Your's G. E. Manigault