Transcribe Hill, Franklin. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-06)

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ybg Princeton N. J. 3. 6. 76 Prof H A Ward My dear Sir: There is a mistake somewhere I did spend much time and skill on those Mexican antiquities and mended them up beautifully, but as to copying them , I believe not. True, I got one of them tangled up in a mass of glue, which I had to soak it off again, but then a press of other matters came in, as, we had all those flat cases altered and the tops made to lift, and Jenks looks put on them, I should like to sell you those nice little 3 tumbler brass locks that came off of them, also the locks from the lower cases. Item, we had Jenks to alter the locks on your upright cases to fit his key, and did away with the club handles. Item, I have put in props to hold up the case lids that work to a charm, thusly, under the middle bar of the sash. Do you see it? Now, as to Phila, I hardly know what to say. Presdt Orton engaged me to arrange the Ohio display there, two months in Feb. Mar. & April, @ $200.00 per Mo., & expenses. But the State appropriation has not yet been made, and my business has thicken^e^d on me so that