Transcribe Haast, Julius von. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-10)

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                                         Canterbury Museum
                                       Christchurch Jan 10 1876

Dear Sir In answer to your welcome letter of Novb 18th. I am glad to see that you have made a beginning. You were quite right in insuring the care as you have done. - Please send the stuffed male grizzly bear, I am quite willing to pay the <.u 125 pounds in Gold > if it is a fine specimen. Concerning apteryx, I have only at presently a few skins of [it] which I shall send you, however I shall wait a month or so, perhaps that I may get some skeletons or eggs from my collectors. This bird gets very scarce & one has to go far back into the interior in order to get it. I have to pay </u 1 pound > for each skin skeleton & egg, to which the expenses of transmission are to be