Transcribe Nelson, Emily A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-12)

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nwh Different hand Jan 17 Jan. 12, 1876 327 Lake St Elmira Jan 12 '76 Prof. H. A. Ward.

       Dear Sir -
             Pray exercise your own judge

ment, if you will be so kind, in reference to what you put in, remem- -bering that our students are not fully developed paleontologists ans anato- mists, and therefoe would be apt to prefer something giving a general idea they could appreciate, rather than one illustrating some tech- -nicality of tooth or jaw or vertebra which they would not quite so well enjoy -

       I have been so extremely busy

that I had no time to compare the lists and prevent the blunders I might have seen, which is my only apology for giving you the trouble