Transcribe Taft, D. C. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-28)

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ybg Feb. 28, 1876 Mar 9

                    Industrial University

Founded by the State and Endowed by Grant of

                       Public Lands.
                    TUITION FREE.
                 CALENDAR FOR 1875.

Second term begins January 6th. Third Term begins March 25th.

    "          "     closes  March 24th.             Commencement  "    June      9th.
                                      First or Fall Term begins September 15th.
                  </em Champaign, Feb 28 1876 >

Friend Ward,

  We have a young man here

Geo. A. Wild a fine man </u everyway > and a good taxidermist: he will graduate this June, and wishes to carry on his studies practically in the direction of Natural History; he wishes me to ask if you could use him in any way advantage^ous^ to both. He would be glad to hear of probabilities.

  The Dr will do what he can in urging

the casts. If I had as much faith in P. as in Gregory I think we should have them sure. Yours very truly D. C. Taft. I have an extra set of brave men Ill Turney Reports. I wish to swap for Shells if you know of any one that wants. T.