Transcribe Codman and Shurtleff. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-29)
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Feb 29, 1876
Codman and Shurtleff, Makers and Importers of Surgical and Dental Instruments, 13 & 15 Tremont Street Boston, Feb 29, 1876
Henry A Ward, Esq. Rochester New York.
Dear Sir Your favor of the 28th was duly received. Our egg drills ranges in price according to size .25 cents to $1.50 a piece according to size and finish. Blow pipes from .20 to .50 cents each, nickel plated .10 cents extra. A medium size egg drill will cost you about $6.00 a doz.
To dealers we give .25% discount on above goods.
Yours respectfully, Codman and Schurtleff ? Woods