Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-25)

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manatee skin that came from the lo- cality he recommends, - above Bolivar. It belongs to his brother, and is to be shipped to England, but it has rested here very qui- etly for some time.

    Mr Jackson & I have about determined

on this plan of operations: Take deck passage (about $8 0r $10) on the Steamer that goes to Bolivar just two weeks from today, and at Barrancus and Bolivar we can find out to a certainty whether the best chance for Manatees </u above > or in the Delta. In </u either > case, we will then hire or buy a "bungalow", with two or three coolies or other cheap men & proceed. All the sailors here think it will be difficult and very expen- sive to take a boat from here to the Delta. Mr Gallie thinks the same very strongly, and approves of the former plan. </u We will see, > and I will write you fully the results, and what we finally think best to do.

    I could weary you with a thousand

other details that we have learned in connec- tion with the Manatee, & the Orinoco, but I will not, trusting that we may satisfy you with specimens instead.

    A few - words about this island; If you

think me too voluminous and verbose, a very gentle hint will be sufficient. There are a great many birds here, and we will try to get some of the more unique kinds and run the risk of their being valuable. We can get any quantity of Brown Pelicans, whit & blue herons, terns, &e. </u Zyganea Mal- leus > comes into the market. I got on fine little fellow yesterday for a skin, costing 4d.