Transcribe Williston, A. Lyman. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-24)

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Feb 21, 1876 Office of Treasurer Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary. Mr. Henry A. Ward Rochester, NY Dear Sir: Your valued favor of 10-12 & 18 inst.s is received & in accordance therewith you may enter our order for the college [illegible] & Supplement delivered & [illegible]setup complete in our hall for [illegible] expense or & [illegible] as 1600.



Sidewise script: The understanding is that all will be completed in good season before our anniversary - say for June 1st. Truly, ALWilliston

[at bottom of note] Of the following No 53 [illegible] 54.-56 both numbers incl [illegible] 237-247 - - - Brachiopods