Transcribe McNiel, J. A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-01)

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Page 1 Panama, N.Y. Jan. 1 1876 Prof. Henry A. ward. University of Rochester

     Dear Sir yours of

Dec. 15th came to hand 24th. and content noted. I regret extremely that Bbl.. ^37^ should have turned so unsatisfactory. Some person must have overhauled this Bbl removed a part and tumbled the balance back. I had a letter some months since from a party in N. Y. to whom I had sold a few hundred Cones, Var. among whi- ch were some quite rare . He after this wanted those that through some Miss- take were supposed to be in Bbl. 37. How this misstake occured, I can not say. My account here did not mention Cones as in any of the packages of late, on leave in N. Y. I seldom put cons in packages which are expected to go into the hands of dealers.