Transcribe Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1875-12-07)

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nwh [page 1] International Exhibition, 1876 BOARD ON BEHALF OF u.S. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS National Museum: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Dec. 7, 187 5 Dear Professor,

       By this time you have heard from Mr Goode,

as to the skeletons we desire to have mounted. I hope you will now be able to put things through and send us an installment - before long. Vival Edwars wrote that he had sent you a fine skeleton of a Cowfish to be prepared for the Institution. This is a very important addition to our fauna, as Mr Gill has decided that it is a granpas, a species not heretofore reported as occurring on our coast.

       I am glad to know that matters are progressing sat-

isfactorily with Mr B. & hope you will be able to get up a first class display for Virginia. Sincerely yours Spencer F. Baird Prof. Henry A. Ward Rochester N. Y.