Transcribe Kennan, George. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-27)

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[page 4] Div. 3 Musical Instruments - Div 4. Articles of ornament & luxury. Div 5. Equipments of horse ox & camel Hall II (Page 13 to page 17) Continuation of the same - Div. 6. Domestic utensils of metal Div 7 Agricultural Implements. Div 8. Earthen & wooden utensils Hall III (Page 17 to 19) Anthropological - Archaeological - & Numismatical material. Div 9. Human skulls & skeletons from the Caucasus & other sources. Div 10. Articles ill- -ustrating Caucasian Stone Age. Div 12 money embracing more than 2000 coins __ Hall IV Caucasian Antiquities (_ Page 19 - to 23) Div 13 - Archaelogical remains from the