Transcribe Kennan, George. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-27)

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[page 2] Kuban District. Div 14 Ditto from the Trans-Caucasus. Div 15 Ditto from Kertch & Taman. Div. 16 Caucasian bronze implements mostly from the Kuban District Hall V ____ Zoology - (Page 23 to 34) Div 17 - Diurnal predatory birds of the Caucasus Div 17 - Nocturnal " " Sparrows - Wood -

            _peckers - Crows & Singing birds

Div. 19. - Pigeons - Partridges & running birds Div 20 _ Swamp & Wading birds Div 21 - Small mammals & their skeletons Div. 22 - Reptiles etc Div 23 - Fresh water & marine fish crabs & lobster Div 24 - Remains of animals from recent

             geological formations & skulls of existing