Transcribe Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-07)

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[page 1] International Exhibition, 1876 BOARD ON BEHALF OF U. S. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS National Museum: Smithsonian Institution, Washington. April 7</em> 6 Dear Professor,

      I have been awaiting with some inter

-est the receipt of your answer to my letter proposing an arrangement by which we may receive certain funds, in return for a magnificent series of minerals. The exigency in this case is very ?, as our funds are so nearly exhausted that I am unable to settle my account with you, or even to venture upon forwarding the col= lection now here, to Philadelphia.

       ? has suggested another idea, which perhaps

you can cause to bear fruit, in connection with some of your contacts for supplying public Museums.

       I think Prof. Henry would authorize me to promise

provided the object be to equip a college or scientific Museum, to select a series of duplicates generally from our stock, to include a very nearly complete collection of all the rare birds of North America, the mammals, some skulls & skeletons, with reptiles & fishes straight through, & the ethnological specimens & part of the series of minerals referred to. To this might be added a fair show of shells & other marine