Transcribe Chadbourne, P. A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1862-01-29)

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happy to aid you. But I do nor think it necessary to send To Iceland because some of the most learned Icelanders reside in Copenhagen - connected with the University & Royal Antiquarian Socy. ?, for instance, the keeper of the Archives. I am a ? member of that Socy. & should be happy to give you a letter to Prof. Rafu the Secy. who will be the best judge of the man & will be very ready to attend to the matter, I know the paper can be sent di- rectly to him or to our Minister the Hon. Bradford Wood, who is you know a Minister of Williams & has forwarded communications to me from the Socty. Dr. Rink is also now in Copenhagen. He is the ? Inspector & has spent his life among the Esquimaux.