Transcribe De Kempeneer, Charles E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1884-01-30)
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Sydney January 30th 1884,
Prof. H. A. Ward,
Dear Sir
A fortnight ago Mr. Macleay said that he had no more room in is Museum, and, consequently would have no more specimens prepared, as I had some specimens on hand that were not finished, I continued to work and will have finished on Saturday next. As I have written to Mr. Cheeseman that I would begin work the 1st of May next, I will have about three months holidays and decided to take a long trip, in about ten days I expect to sail for Melbourne, then Tasmania and New Zealand, where I expect to visit the main towns and the hot springs, and, think of reaching Auckland about the end of April. The next week will pack the other sharks in a smaller cask, and W. Oakman will send it to you the next month. Following is a list, with expenses of what you have received and what remained to send:
De Kempeneer Jan / 84