Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Toussaint, Hugo (1882-01-13)

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Mr. Hugo Toussaint, Jan 13, 1882,

                    U.d. Linden 14, Berlin,

Dear Sir,

   </s We > I wrote you Aug. 30, '81 in regard

to </s pay > disposition of 310 M. which you had for me As we have not heard from you since, and as Mr. .Putze of Hamburg, to whom we told you to send the money, writes that he has not received it. I judge that you still have it at my disposal. I now request that you will Kindly send it at once to Mr. F. Ramme, Carolinenstrasse 29, Hamburg. Please let me know when you send it. Yours H. A. W. [ybg]