Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1852-04-28)

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nwh "Temple Hill" Apr 28 "52 My dear Friend Orton

       I sent you a box of specimens last week

& immediately subsequent a letter to which last I am expecting an answer soon & therefore write you a few words of inquiry now thinking that perhaps ^you^ I may answer me in your next.

       What I wish is this, that you would ask Prof. Emmens 

as soon as you see him (inform me at once) as to about the probable expense of a trip (such as I spoke of in my last) to St. Lawrence Co. from here. I do not suppose that he can tell exactly, but I have thought that he might make some aproximate estimate. I should go on foot all of the way where I could not go on cars or Steamboats & yet would want specimens carried (that is if I got any). My tavern - billls are always small, usually nothing but lodging. I can calculate my expenses back & forth from here to Watertown, but what they would probably be traveling around two or three weeks to the best localities I do not know. If it were not for taking ^transporting^ sccimens I should not care much whether I had $5. of $50. were I going for myself. But as it is (for if I go at all, I shall go for the Institution) I wish to go prepared for action. If he can tell me of this or any good localities for minerals ( We've got fossils enough) or any other advice calculated for the trip I should be very much obliged to him. If you should see him before the term closes, please ask him about this. I do so wish I could here ^hear^ from him ^,by letter^. If there are any particular fossils from this region he would like I guess I can get them & send him if he wishes. Please give him my respects. ,tell Washburn, Hyde & Richards that I shall surely answer their letters the 1st of next term when the get back to college. I would do it now but my term has just commenced & I am busy with my studies. I can not write them vacation for I know not where they will be. We have no class in chemistry this term, but so I have to make Botany take its place. Respects to all. I expect a letter from Forbes Next week. Yours truly H. A. Ward.