Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1852-04-19)

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40 schollars fro 9 to 22 years of age. I have 15 classes & find (I don't tell them so) that I too learn no little myself while teaching them. I have also a large class on Mineralogy & a small one in Geology. I rather think that I shall spend next summer here if I live. I want much to go to Cambridge sometime. I may specimenize something during my vacation but begin to feel old for I am 20 next March. Do write me Orton when ever you get time. Are you sure that Orange Co. is drained? I dreamed the other night that I saw you & that you gave as a reason for being almost entirely without flesh that you had been writing & studying on several Orations & a Censoc piece for the "Technnian." Yours truly Henry A. Ward Remember me to Forbes & ask him to write me.