Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Baird, Spencer Fullerton (1882-04-20)

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to my business. And here I come to a final point in my letter and to me a most important one.

  Mr Lucas speaks of it as essential to his seeming

the place at the Smithsonian that he be at work there by May 1st." I hope that he overestimates the haste. I certainly should not willingly assent to such an abrupt departure. For I have now been away from home 16 months and have greatly lost the run of my work, transactions, and the stock in Vertebrate Zoology of the Establishment. Furthermore I have sent home from this Australasia- Molay trip several thousands of skins, skeletons, alcoholic & c. which Lucas has received and is now cataloging and arranging for sale. Now I must get home (1st week in May.) and have time to </u get hold of the lines > in all this. Otherwise I shall be a very serious loser. Now if it is essential to Mr Lucas having the place that he be with you by May 15th or 20th I shall hurry up and sacrifice much if necessary, rather than have him fail. But if you tell us that June 1st will do, I shall be greatly glad; for then I can adjust my own business to the change. Please to kindly write to Rochester or if there is great haste) to St Louis, Mo. - Gen. Post Office Very truly & respectfully yours

                         Henry A. Ward.

</u Telegram . - Can you not keep place open for Lucas till toward end of May. My business would suffer sadly by such sudden departure, How written. H.A.Ward [ybg]