Transcribe Ward, Charles Howell. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-02-03)

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articles which I need at once, not to be under obligations to the others for loans of brushes, color &c. As there are two denominations here, the seventh-days and the first-days, as they are called, we have two Sundays in the week, and very dull ones too. How I pity and despise them all, in my heart.

Everything, every house, and every body is slouchy and slovenly. My landlady gives me chocolate and toast regularly, and beef, when the others have pork. I believe I learn a good deal. Can you manage to send me from Europe, some antique cameo, or stone inlaid set of studs, or something, as a souvenir of your travels, I have nothing and asked you on your previous trip.

As I am learning mechanical drawing, with the view of drawing