Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Judd, Orange. (1870-07-11)

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University of Rochester

                    Rochester, N.Y.
                    July 11 1870 

Mr Orange Judd,. Dear Sir.

  You may possibly remember that I called on you (at your

Office in N. York) ten days ago with a note of introduction from Mr D.D.T. Moore. My errand was to propose to you a </s Gallery > </u Museum of Grology > for your new Hall at Middle- town. You were then too busy to consider the subject, but told me that I might write you on the subject to Middletown. This I now do; and will be as breif as possible.

  I have worked for many years past in the Depart-

ment of Educational Geology , undertaking to increase the extent and display and teaching value of our College Cabinets. One particular way in which I have done this is original with me in this country, although common in Europe. I refer to my </u Casts > of noted </u Fossils >.

  You are aware </s prob > that certain forms of Animal life

lived at distinct Periods of the Earth's former history and that their petrified remains (Fossils) characterize these periods. </s telling us > ^revealing^ by their presence the size of any given stratus, of the period in question. Many of these fossil animals are very noted for their great size or </u strange > forms </s vastly > different from these of the present day >: and their names are well known in popular writing as well as to Geologists i refer to such Monsters as the </u Megatherum. Deinothinus. >